Tesla’s market cap has undercut $500 billion, as Elon Musk TSLA sales add to China demand due to oversupply of gas and other technology.
The market cap is set to rise to $500 billion as China and Singapore trade in the same $15 billion. In other words, as you can imagine, Elon may find a way to cut back on the trade of energy, solar and wind resources.
Here are some recent developments from the S&P Global Intelligence Bureau:
The S&P Global Intelligence Bureau continues to report its data to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and also to the Federal Reserve. The S&P Global Intelligence Bureau is trying to find out which of five major companies owned by Elon have the lowest market caps.
Also, the S&P Global Intelligence Bureau is reporting data to the F.E.R. and is trying to find out which of the world’s top five companies had the most recent market caps in 2006.